Neighbors + Nations


Neighbors + Nations

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Sermon Overview

In the series “Neighbors and Nations” we will study the Scriptures to see how God has planned and ordained that all nations will be gathered at His throne at the end of all things.

God’s overarching plan, from Genesis to Revelation, has not changed. He has always intended to gather people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to His throne. The gift of God is His invitation to His people to be the vessel by which His plan is accomplished. So, how will He do this through us? He will do it by using us to proclaim His glory to our neighbors, and to all nations.

From our next door neighbor, to people groups across the ocean, God is weaving His perfect plan together to reveal His surpassing grace.

The Story of His Glory

Colton White

Sunday, October 20th, 2024

God has and always will be about one primary thing: His glory among all people’s and nations. He is the Author of Life, the Creator of the Universe, and He is the way of salvation. Everything that God has done, is doing, and will do, brings Himself the maximum amount of glory. At the end of the story is a promise — God is going to gather all nations to worship Him in all of His glory.

The Great Invitation

Matt Oberhelman

Sunday, October 27th, 2024

God has extended to His people an unbelievable invitation. This invitation is not only that our joy will be full, our hope true, and that His love is known. God’s great invitation to us is that we will be used for His purposes and mission; to gather every nation at His throne. If God is going to gather all people to Himself, how has He chosen to do it? He has chosen to do it through His Church as ambassadors to His Gospel. What a wonderful opportunity for every son and daughter of the King!

Who Is My Neighbor?

Colton White

Sunday, November 3rd, 2024

By looking at the parable of the Good Samaritan we will learn what it means to “love our neighbor.” Jesus said the two greatest commandments are to “love God and love our neighbor.” But, what does it really mean to love our neighbor? Who is our neighbor, and how do we show them the wonderful grace of Jesus?

Proclaiming the Gospel

Colton White

Sunday, November 10th, 2024

Many believers know that they need to be proclaiming the Gospel, but most are not. There are many reasons: fear, busyness, lack of courage, etc. Jesus’ command to go and make disciples of all nations could not be more clear. Yet, following that command can be more difficult than we think. In this message, we will talk about the call to be proclaimer of Jesus’ Gospel and talk through “how” to share this Gospel.

A Purchased People

Colton White

Sunday, November 17th, 2024

In the book of Revelation we are told that the blood of the Lamb has purchased a people for God. This people is from every tribe, tongue, and nation. But, at this moment they are scattered across the globe. How will God gather His scattered people? How will those who have been purchased by the blood of the Lamb know that Jesus has come? How will they know? Because God has commanded His church to go and tell them.

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