Exodus: The God Who Provides



The God Who Provides

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Sermon Overview

The English title “Exodus” is taken from the Greek noun exodos, “a going out” or “departure.” The Exodus is the major event of the first half of the book, in which the Lord brings Israel out of Egypt. As the people of God leave slavery in Egypt and enter into the wilderness, they discover the true heart of God. They also discover the deception of their own hearts as they repeatedly forsake Him. This people will be refined and will bring forth the One who would bless all nations.

God the Provider

Colton White

Sunday, July 21st, 2024

In this text, we will consider the question, does God actually care about our needs? We all go through this life wanting and needing. We may wonder, what does God think about my wants and my needs? Is He aware of them? Is He making a way to provide? Does He think my request is foolish? Or, does He want and desire to meet my request?

The Burden of Leadership

Colton White

Sunday, July 28th, 2024

The burden of leadership can be great. In Exodus 18, God was teaching the church the importance of sharing that burden with others. By looking at this text and others in Scripture we will discuss why it is so important for no leader to lead alone.

Kingdom of Priests

Colton White

Sunday, August 4th, 2024

In Exodus 19, the Israelites arrive at Mount Sinai three months after leaving Egypt. God calls Moses to the mountain and instructs him to tell the people that, if they obey His covenant, they will be His treasured possession and a holy nation. God makes an unbelievable invitation — "I will make you a kingdom of priests." The question is, will the people obey Him in faith? Or, reject Him in fear?

The Ten Commandments

Matt Oberhelman

Sunday, August 11th, 2024

In this text, God delivers the Ten Commandments to the Israelites at Mount Sinai. The commandments were meant to set the people apart, to teach the people about the character of God, and reveal to us that we are far from God. After God gives His law, the people witness thunder, lightning, and the sound of a trumpet, causing them to tremble in fear.

Freedom in the Law

Colton White

Sunday, August 18th, 2024

As God continues to mold His people, He continues to give them His law. These rules and statutes are going to mark them as the people of God. On the outside, these laws can look confusing and harsh. But, when we look deeper, we will see God’s redeeming love.

Sin, Holiness, and Presence

Colton White

Sunday, September 1st, 2024

What was the purpose of the Tabernacle in the Scriptures? Why does God spend so many chapters laying out the construction of the tabernacle and what does that have to do with us in 2024? The reality is, many of us have lost what God is teaching His people in Exodus. That God is holy and we are sinful, and in order for us to experience his presence we need to understand the chasm between us and God. The Tabernacle was God’s vessel in order to break down the barriers between our sin and His holiness.

The Mediator

Colton White

Sunday, September 8th, 2024

As God’s people wait for Moses to come down from Mount Sinai, their sinful hearts overtake them and they make a golden calf to worship. God's response is both terrifying, and a warning to us all, as we live in a world filled with idols. Moses goes to the Lord in humility and asks Him to relent of His judgment on the people. In this text, we see a foreshadowing of what is to come. We are guilty of worshipping idols. Through a Mediator, God will relent of His wrath and show us mercy.

A Shining Face

Colton White

Sunday, September 15th, 2024

What does it mean to “behold God’s glory”? It is a thing we cannot comprehend or understand. But, in this moment, that is exactly what God shows to Moses: His incredible glory! The good news for us is that, as John says, “we have beheld His glory” in the face of His son, Jesus. The question is, how will we respond? Will we be like the people of Israel and have “stiff-necks,” or, will we respond in worship?

Generosity Breathes Generosity

Colton White

Sunday, September 22nd, 2024

As God gives instructions for His Tabernacle, He calls the people to be generous with what He has given them. If we are going to be a generous people, we must first look to, and be motivated by the generosity of God. Only then can we bring all that we have to the table before the Lord and say, with full commitment, “God this is all Yours.”

The Word That Drives Our Lives

Colton White

Sunday, September 29th, 2024

God’s people begin construction on the Ark of the Covenant. In this text, we see what makes God uniquely distinct from the rest of the world. We are a people that are set apart to reflect the glory and character of God. In every Christian should be a humility to live for the glory of God, and not the glory of themselves. Specifically, we are a people set apart by His Word. His Word guides us, instructs us, and leads us to know Him, and to know ourselves.

Looking Back to Look Forward

Colton White

Sunday, October 6th, 2024

In our final lesson in Exodus, we will look back to ensure that we understand the Biblical narrative, as well as the most important lessons from God in this book. Then we will look ahead to see how the book of Exodus fits into the entire Biblical narrative. Hopefully, we will have a deeper understanding of God. Who He is, and what He is doing.

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