Sermon Overview
The Christmas season in modern times is meant to pull every person towards happiness in the midst of the darkness of winter.
It speaks to the part of us that looks for light in the darkness. The presents, lights, the stories — they all revolve around this narrative that light is coming in the darkness. What many do not realize is that the pull towards the light and away from the darkness is the echo of eternity. It is that part of our souls that reminds us that we do not belong to the darkness, but that we belong to the light.
The Echo of Eternity
Colton White
Sunday, December 1st, 2024
The Christmas season in modern times is meant to pull every person towards happiness in the midst of the darkness of winter. It speaks to the part of us that looks for light in the darkness. The presents, lights, the stories — they all revolve around this narrative that light is coming in the darkness. What many do not realize is that the pull towards the light and away from the darkness is the echo of eternity. It is that part of our souls that reminds us that we do not belong to the darkness, but that we belong to the light. We see this in Isaiah 2, as God pronounces judgment and destruction He takes a moment to remind them of the light that is coming.
Gloom to Glory
Colton White
Sunday, December 8th, 2024
The Lord tells Isaiah that there is soon coming a day when God’s people will be in distress, under the gloom of anguish, and thrust into darkness. Many of us know that feeling, especially during the Christmas season. But, here is the good news of the Gospel — God will not leave us in that place. He came to save us. He tells Isaiah that, in Galilee, a Child will be born, a Son will be given who will be the Prince of Peace.
Born to Die
Nathan Parr
Sunday, December 15th, 2024
What are we really celebrating at Christmas? Yes, God became man. Yes, He has the power to heal and restore. Yes, He taught us the law and the way of life. But, more than any of those things God dwelt among us to die. We celebrate Christmas because the One who was born suffered and died as a payment for our sin. Our hope, joy, love, and peace can only be found under the grace of the Suffering Servant.