Sermon Overview
From the Renewal Statement of Faith: We believe that there is only one God, who exists eternally as three distinct persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; each is fully God and equal in every divine perfection, and accomplish distinct but harmonious roles in the great work of redemption.
The Trinity is one of the most important doctrines in our faith. Its truth is laid out all over the Scriptures, yet it is still a doctrine of mystery and often misunderstood by the believer. In this series, we will seek to understand our God in His fullness and uniqueness, in the hope that we will better understand who He has created us to be.
We will answer two questions each week. 1) What is their role? and 2) What is your relationship with that person of the Trinity?
The Trinity
Matt Oberhelman
Sunday, March 17th, 2024
While the name “Trinity” is not found in the Scriptures, there is more than enough evidence in God’s Word to justify the name. The Trinity is the foundation for how the believer understands who God is, how He works and interacts with Himself, and how He interacts with His people. In this message, we will do our best to grasp the concept of a triune God and ask the question, “How does the triune God interact with His people?”
The Love of the Father
Colton White
Sunday, March 24th, 2024
Time-and-time again in the Scriptures, God is referred to as a “Father.” In the Old Testament, we see the people of God referred to as His sons. In the New Testament, Jesus will speak of His Father continuously. In God the Father, we see the pinnacle of strength and love. He is strong, but He is kind. We relate to God as Father through Jesus the Son. Because of Christ’s redeeming work for us, we share in His Sonship by adoption. Through God the Father, we see the purposes of God fulfilled in His sovereignty. He is intentional, omnipotent, omniscient, and good in all that He does.
The Grace of the Son
Colton White
Sunday, March 31st, 2024
Access through grace. Without Jesus, humanity has no hope of having access to the triune God. He is the bridge that allows us to cross the chasm of sin that lies between us and God, and He has come to reconcile and redeem His people to the Godhead. Through the Son, we can have fellowship with the Father and be empowered by the Spirit to intimately know Him. The Son is the Word of God; by His words, all things were created and continue to be sustained. Ultimately, in the Son, what we see is undeserving grace.
Fellowship With the Spirit
Colton White
Sunday, April 7th, 2024
Salvation is purposed by the Father, accomplished by the Son, and applied by the Holy Spirit. Without the Spirit’s agency in salvation, all that Christ has accomplished brings no value to us. As Scripture uniformly presents, the Spirit graciously, effectively, and permanently gives us Christ Jesus, and every blessing He has secured. The Spirit is power manifested, illuminating in our knowledge and intimacy with God, and the guarantee of our salvation.