Sermon Overview
While Paul was under house arrest in Rome, he got word that a church in the city of Colossae was being threatened by false teachers.
These false teachers were trying to chip away at the deity and authority of Christ. In this letter, Paul’s aim is to turn our attention to the glory, majesty, and sufficiency of Christ. We also have some of the most important doctrines about the person of Christ. If God would give us the heart to believe these words, then our lives would be transformed.
The Kingdom of the Son
Colton White
Sunday, January 7th, 2024
The church in Colossae in danger of syncretism, which is the combination of several religious practices. The believers in this church were in danger of losing the truth of Christ by forsaking the truth of the Gospel and adopting practices from other religions. Paul wants to remind them of the Gospel that they first heard from Epaphras (v. 5, 7) and so Paul begins to lay out the appropriate responses to the Gospel in verses 9-12. He finishes this section off by reminding them of the truth that we all need to remember each and every day. That God has transferred us from one kingdom to another — the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of the Son. The question for us is, which kingdom are we living for today?
The Preeminent Sacrifice
Colton White
Sunday, January 14th, 2024
Perhaps one of the most theologically rich sections on the Doctrine of Christ. In this text we learn of the true divine nature of Christ. All things were created by Him, and through Him. Christ holds everything we see together. He existed before anything else, so everything that we see submits to Him. He is the standard to which everything else compares. What is His end goal? To make peace, and to reconcile us through His very own blood. What a glorious Gospel we have in Jesus!
Hostility to Holiness
Tristan Krider
Sunday, January 21st, 2024
For each of us there was a time when we were not “in Christ.” The Bible uses language to describe the reality of this separation and death. Here in Colossians Paul tells us that we were “alienated” and “hostile.” But, although we were “evil in our deeds,” the Bible will also remind us that there has been a reconciliation through His body and His flesh. So, the question is, “what is more powerful? Our evil deeds, or the sacrifice of His body and His flesh?” According to Paul, the result is the redemption of our souls — we are presented as holy!
What Is Lacking in Christ’s Afflictions?
Colton White
Sunday, January 28th, 2024
The Apostle Paul expands on the hope that is found in the Gospel, as his message becomes very personal. He explains the nature of his work and his reasons for doing it. Paul was a tent-maker by trade, but that vocation did not define his life or his mission. Paul’s true labor, of which tent-making was a means to the end, was to proclaim the riches the church has been given in Christ, so everyone would be complete in Him. Our hope is that we would not only be reminded of the treasure we have been given in Christ, but also re-examine the Gospel work we have been called to, and why we labor for it.
Plausible False Gospels
Colton White
Sunday, February 4th, 2024
Typically, when we encounter false teachings about the doctrine of Christ, it isn’t some crazy argument out of left field. These arguments are, as Paul says, “plausible.” They tend to make some sort of logical sense, are appealing to us, and, with a few twists of the Scriptures, are believable. This is why it is important that we truly know the Scriptures, that our souls are rooted in Christ, and that we surround ourselves with a reliable and faithful community of believers. Are you aware of the false teachings that are present in our lives today? They are all around us, and if we fail to pay attention, we can easily begin to follow a gospel that is not actually true.
Cancelled Debt
Colton White
Sunday, February 11th, 2024
Do we truly understand what happened when Jesus died on the cross? The horrific, terrible, beautiful, and wonderful reality that God became a man and spilled his blood is the most important moment in all of history. In that moment, everything changed. The scope of history changed, our status before a holy God changed, and the aim of our lives changed. The debt that sin created is now gone, the death of our bodies has turned to life, and our souls have found new hope in the reality of the cross.
Moving From “Do” to “Done”
Colton White
Sunday, February 18th, 2024
Finally, Paul begins to discredit the exact nature of the false teachings in the church in Colossae. In similar ways, we still see these same false teachings today. They come in the form of legalism, false beliefs about the requirements to be a follower of Christ, and ultimately a false (or even self-serving) understanding of who Christ is. These false teachings fail to, as Paul says, “stop the indulgence of the flesh.” Therefore, we must be leery of teachings that only change the externals but do nothing for the transformation of the heart.
Raised With Christ
Colton White
Sunday, February 25th, 2024
In this text, we see Paul’s arguments work like this: “You have been, therefore, so then.” He will say you have been raised with Christ, so put to death the things that are not consistent with your new identity. Then you can put on the things that fit your new identity. Too many of us are stuck living a life that is consumed with things that are no more. We live as if we have not been raised with Christ instead of embracing the new identity that Christ has purchased on our behalf.
A Grace Filled Life
Rich Diaz
Sunday, March 3rd, 2024
We have a new life in Christ that is continually renewed by Him. What does it look like to live that life, and how does it influence the relationships we have? Paul explains that we need to allow the Word of God to shape the way we think and the way we live. We should interact with others in a way that is pleasing to God. He gives us some practical things to be mindful of in the areas of marriage, the home, and the workplace. The question that we all have to answer is, “Does my life reflect the grace of Jesus?”
Continue in Prayer
Colton White
Sunday, March 10th, 2024
As we conclude the book of Colossians, we will hear Paul’s conclusion to his beautiful letter to the church in Colossae. He gives them four things to continue to do as a church and gives his final greetings. The question we will answer as we leave this book is, “Now what?” How do we apply everything we have learned about Christ, the world, and ourselves every day?