Sermon Overview
David is one of the most important and influential characters in all of Scripture.
His story is one of political intrigue, war, courage, friendship, and a fulfillment of the promises of God. However, the story of David is also a story of failure, sin, betrayal, and the struggles of life. He is the picture of what we encounter day in and day out — that our lives are a mixture of victory and defeat, of joy and despair, of peace in the Lord and chaos in the midst of our sin. David is by far the model by which we should live our lives, but one thing is clear — God had a plan for David that through Him all the nations would be blessed. That what defines us at the end of our lives is not our victories or our failures. What defines us is our pursuit of the one worthy of all of our affection and twice in the Scriptures David is described as a man that was “after God’s heart.” From both the successes and failures of David's life we learn what it means to be a people After God's Heart.
In Need of a King
Colton White
Sunday, September 10th, 2023
The book of 1 Samuel begins with the prayers of a lowly woman named Hannah, not with a great King. Her prayer at the start of the book is essentially a synopsis of 1 and 2 Samuel. At the start of the book, the people of Israel demand that God provide them with a king. The book of 1 Samuel is the story of Israel’s search for a king. Ultimately, only God could be their true King, but He had allowed them to have an earthly king to mirror His reign. The first king of Israel was a gifted character by the name of Saul. Unfortunately for Israel, Saul was more concerned with his own glory than with the welfare of the people.
God's Chosen King
Colton White
Sunday, September 17th, 2023
We meet David the shepherd in Chapter 16. He is the one God would anoint as king, yet to Samuel and the rest of his brothers, he lacks the appearance of a king. However, as we will see, appearances are not always what they appear to be. Even today, having the appearance of a leader does not guarantee that you will be a good leader. God is not looking for intelligence, gifts, or looks, but rather, He is looking for a heart that desires Him.
Death Defeated
Colton White
Sunday, September 24th, 2023
True courage comes from trusting in God, not in what we are capable of achieving. David trusted God as he stepped up to defend his God and his people from the giant, Goliath. Goliath's defeat foreshadows what is to come. Years later, the enemy of God would be defeated on the cross by a King, and the people of God would see victory and freedom.
A Good Friend
Colton White
Sunday, October 1st, 2023
Friendship is one of the most influential relationships in our life. A good friend can provide us encouragement, joy, and growth, whereas a bad friend can bring us sin, despair, and a great deal of grief. By looking at the friendship of David and Jonathan, we will see what it looks like to have a true friend in the Lord.
When Life Falls Apart
Rich Diaz
Sunday, October 8th, 2023
Imagine losing your career, your family, your best friend, your safety, and the respect of everyone who knew you all in one day. That all of a sudden the walls around you began to close in, and life as you knew it became a thing of the past, leaving you alone and unclear of God's plan. This is where David is found in 1 Samuel 22 – alone and in a cave. What exactly does David do? He does the only thing he knows how to do. He cries out to his God for help.
Colton White
Sunday, October 15th, 2023
While Saul is set on killing David, David is set on obedience to the Lord. When the moment of opportunity comes for David to have his revenge against Saul, David submits himself to complete obedience to the Lord. In this moment, David could kill Saul and no one would blame him, but David knows taking Saul’s life would be an act of disobedience towards God. Instead of revenge, David chooses to trust God with his life, and does what right even when it doesn’t match his circumstances. Will we show integrity in the midst of our circumstances? Will we trust the Lord even when it doesn’t make sense?
Understanding the Holiness of God
Colton White
Sunday, October 22nd, 2023
We witness David transporting the Ark of the Lord in 2 Samuel 6, and as they journey, a man named Uzzah reaches out to grab the Ark to save it from falling to the ground. As a result, God struck Uzzah and killed him. What follows are some of the most interesting Scriptures in the Bible. Why would God punish Uzzah for trying to do what appears to be a good and noble thing? Even David shows his anger at God for killing Uzzah. We've all undoubtedly shaken our fists at God when he does things that don't make sense to us. In order to understand this story, we must first understand the true holiness of God and our deep sinfulness. We do not understand God's judgment because we do not comprehend the wickedness of our sinfulness. In the presence of the Lord, we see the great holiness of God and the great joy of His people.
His Plan is Better Than Yours
Colton White
Sunday, October 29th, 2023
For the first time in David's life, he is in a position to follow his heart and do whatever he wants. David's desire is to build a house for the Lord. David goes to bed one night with a plan and a desire, but God has different plans for him. He informs him that he will not be the one to build a house for the Lord, but that God has a different plan. We've all done it: we make plans in the name of the Lord, only to discover that God has a different plan for us than we thought. The question is, how do we respond to those moments? Do we respond with trust in the Lord, or do we fight against the plan of God?
The Fall of a King
Matt Oberhelman
Sunday, November 5th, 2023
Up until this point in our sermon series, David has been the champion of righteousness and being faithful to God’s Law; but now we see our hero fall hard. Sin often starts small but then can easily spiral out of control, we see this with David in 2 Samuel 11 but we also see that nothing is beyond the scope of God’s love, His redemptive work. This spiral of adultery, abuse, and murder is flipped on its head because God makes broken things beautiful. In this story we see the depths of humanity’s depravity in David and in turn see the overwhelming depths of God’s grace.
Confronting Your Sin
Colton White
Sunday, November 12th, 2023
WARNING: This sermon contains mature themes that may not be suitable for children. Please use your discernment when listening.
As the consequence of his sin, David is now confronted with the destruction and chaos of his family. The question for us is how we should respond when confronted with the consequences of our sin. First, we see David admitting his fault, and it is in that position that we can find peace with God. Second, we witness David weep as he ascends the Mount of Olives as a sign of mourning. Third, we witness David move forward in humility, not making excuses for his past, but steadfast in his determination to glorify God in his remaining days. In the end, we are left with the realization that none of us, not even David, are righteous. Many years later, the Son of David would also mourn on the Mount of Olives, but this King would be righteous. This King would be obedient to the point of death, and it is through His death that we find forgiveness.
The Truth About David
Colton White
Sunday, November 19th, 2023
By considering King David's final words, we will be able to consider the question, "What do we want the rest of our days to look like?" Looking back on David's life, we will ask, "What defined his life?" Was he a good guy? Was he a bad guy? One thing is certain: he was a complicated character in the Bible, yet the Bible also says he was a man after God's heart. David is a man from whom we can learn a lot, but his greatest contribution is through the one who would come from his line–the Son of David.