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Sermon Overview

The church (ekklesia in Greek) is the new covenant people of God. It is rooted in the promises of Israel and sealed by the Holy Spirit.

The core meaning of the word ekklesia is “gathering” or “assembly.” The New Testament church is the continuation of what God established in the Old Testament, whereby God called a people to Himself to gather  and scatter as worshippers to display His glory for all time.

A Beautiful Assembly

Colton White

Sunday, August 6th, 2023

Where did the idea of the “church” come from? The idea of church has taken on many different meanings throughout history. How can we know that we are living out the Biblical call to belong and be God’s church? By looking closely at God’s Word,  we will attempt to define what the church is and what the church isn’t.

Shepherd the Church

Colton White

Sunday, August 13th, 2023

Who is responsible for leading God’s people? Scripture makes it clear that the church is under one chief Shepherd — Jesus Christ. Jesus is building and leading His people for the glory of His name. We also see in Scripture that God has called “under-shepherds” to  lead His people to know, learn, and to see His goodness and grace. These leaders are known as Elders, Overseers, and Shepherds. The office of elder is seen in Scripture to provide spiritual leadership and protection for God’s people. Elders are known as “shepherds” to the flock of God’s blood bought people. They shepherd by modeling what it looks like to follow Jesus, by teaching God’s Word, by protecting and disciplining God’s people, and by discerning God’s direction for His people.

Serve the Church

Colton White

Sunday, August 20th, 2023

In Acts 6, the church is growing. With every growing church, there are growing pains. There are things that must be addressed and adjusted as time goes on. The issue in the early church was that the physical needs of the church had increased. This had created a situation where the Elders of the church were being forced to limit the ministry of prayer and teaching so that those physical needs could be met. This is where we see God begin to call and task servant leaders with meeting the needs of the church. Paul will refer to the church as a “body with many parts.” Everyone has a role in serving the church; some have been called to specific tasks, but everyone has been called to serve the people of God.

Belong to the Church

Colton White

Sunday, August 27th, 2023

We all want to belong, and the beauty of the gospel is that God has not called us to follow Him as individuals in this world, but He has called us to belong to the family of faith. As Ephesians says, we are “members” of the household of God. God has called us to belong to Him, belong to each other, to encourage, love, and display the gospel to the world.

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