In the first 18 verses of John, God revealed some of the most astonishing revelations in all of Scripture, and some of the most foundational truths of the Christian life. God, who was not created, spoke the world into existence; the Word that created the sea, the sky, and the mountains became flesh.
This was all part of God’s plan to redeem and restore His people back to Himself. By looking at the reality of the incarnation of Jesus, the implications of God coming from perfect heaven to broken Earth, and the hope that we have in the coming of Christ, we will set our hearts on the hope that is found in Jesus.
In the Beginning
Rich Diaz
Sunday, December 4th, 2022
Both the books of Genesis and the Gospel of John begin with the words “In the beginning." In both places, we see one central character, Jesus, the Son of God. His Word spoke the world into existence in Genesis 1, and through God’s providential plan of redemption for His people, that Word has come to dwell among us.
Prepare the Way
Colton White
Sunday, December 11th, 2022
Throughout the Old Testament, God was preparing for the coming of the Messiah. The Messiah would come to redeem the people of God from their sins. In the Gospel of John, we meet the final character in God’s preparation for the arrival of the King: John the Baptist. His was the voice that made the final announcement. As we prepare to celebrate the coming of our King, we need to ask: Are we prepared? Have our hearts seen the glory of the King?
The True Light
Colton White
Sunday, December 18th, 2022
This world is filled with people, expectations, mindsets, and comforts that all claim to know the path to true happiness. Every day we are tempted to believe what they are selling, but there is only one true Light that has come to the world. There is only one true King and there is only One who is truly worthy of all our affections and worship. The reality is that all have rejected Him. We have all turned from Him, but through the death and resurrection of Christ, we can find our hope and salvation in the assurance that all who come to Him in faith, will be born again.
Word Made Flesh
Colton White
Sunday, December 25th, 2022
In the person of Jesus Christ we see the fulfillment of all things. He is the one that the law of Moses points to, He is the one that all of creation has been waiting for, and He is the one we set our hope on. The very Word of God came to dwell among His very own creation, He lived a sinless life, died the death that we deserved, and rose from the grave. And all who would receive Him in faith would receive “grace upon grace.”