Unstoppable Kingdom
Matthew Levant
May 19th, 2019 (Audio Only)
1 Peter 2:9-10
God has been at work establishing a Kingdom for His glory from the beginning of Creation (“dominion” in Gen 1:26 and promise of the “scepter never departing from Judah” in Gen 49:10). Being redeemed is being connected to being a member of God’s Kingdom (Exodus 19:4-6). King David was the prototype Messiah that was promised to have a descendent rule over God’s people for eternity (2 Samuel 7:13). The prophets promised a King would one day come to defeat the enemy, restore God’s people, and bring us back into the Garden. Jesus has an unstoppable Kingdom. As members of this Kingdom, we are sent by the King to expand the borders so that more people can leave the domain of darkness and be brought into the kingdom of light.