In the book of Philippians we see Paul express to the church of Philippi the things that last. Paul shows us what it means to be heavenly citizens of God’s kingdom in light of a world full of suffering and darkness. Some of the themes communicated are (1) Paul’s lasting friendship with the church in Philip, (2) suffering well for Christ through hardships, (3) having affections for and a mindset like Christ, (4) seeing christ as the ultimate goal and prize in life, and (5) what it means to have true peace.
Lasting Friendship
Colton White
May 1st, 2022
Philippians 1:1-11, Acts 16:11-34
Paul opens up his letter by expressing his deep love for the church in Philippi. It is obvious that God has used this church for his own encouragement and growth. The beginning of Paul’s relationship with them goes all the way back to Acts 16 where we meet the likes of Lydia, a demon possessed girl, and a roman jailor. These three uniquely different individuals make up the beginning of the church in Philippi. And what is clear is that the only thing that they have in common is the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is what unites them despite their social and economic differences. It is no different with us. We are all partakers of a gospel that does not divide us, but that unites us! It is a lasting friendship that is built on nothing, but Jesus Himself.
Lasting Hardship
Rich Diaz
May 8th, 2022
Philippians 1:12-18
As Paul writes from prison we see a man who is not in despair, depression or anxiety, but rather a man who’s hope is set on God. We learn a valuable lesson from Paul in this moment — we cannot allow our circumstances to shape how we think of God, but rather we should shape how we think of our circumstances based on what we know about God. Paul reminds his friends that his imprisonment actually helps the advancement of the gospel. In this life, we will have many hardships, but God does not waste our hardships. They are lasting hardships, because God will use any and everything in our lives. Even the difficult things. For Paul, all that matters is the gospel.
Lasting Ambitions
Colton White
May 15th, 2022
Philippians 1:19-30
What are your ambitions in life? Some of us aim to be respected. Some aim to be wealthy. Some aim to be healthy, but for Paul, no one could not question his ambitions.He aimed to see Christ glorified in His life. Our aim should be no different, everything we do in our lives should not done out of selfish ambition, but our aim should be thatChrist is glorified.
Lasting Mindset
Colton White
May 22nd, 2022
Philippians 2:1-11
What does it mean to have a mind like Christ? Paul tells us that Christ led in humility, he emptied himself, and took the form of a servant. What humility that Jesus has come from perfect heaven to broken earth to be one of us! In the incarnation of Jesus we a glorious display of love and kindness, and we should live our lives in the same way. We should not live in selfish ambition, but we should walk humbly in this life.
The Lasting Work of God
Tristan Krider
May 29th, 2022
Philippians 2:12-18
Every day we toil and we work, but the question is are working for the glory of God? Our work will fade and it will come to an end, but the only work that will last is the work of God. Paul tells us that we should work out our salvation with fear and trembling. It is not that Paul wants us to work for salvation, but rather see that we should live a life of faith in light of the gift of grace in salvation. Therefore, we look to God’s work in our salvation and we live a life without grumbling as lights in the world that shine towards the work of Christ.
Lasting Ministry Partnership
Jason Gish
June 5th, 2022
Philippians 2:19-30
If we are going to see God’s renewal come to Bell County and the world we must have lasting ministry partnerships with those in our city and around the world.
Lasting Satisfaction
Rich Diaz
June 12th, 2022
Philippians 3:1-11
Where does lasting satisfaction come from? Many in the world believe that it comes from money, status, success and security, but in reality, those things will never truly satisfy. Indeed, compared to Christ those things are “rubbish” according to Paul. What does it mean to truly live a life that is fully satisfied in Christ? What does a person who is satisfied by Christ look like? How do they think? How do they move within a world that is trying to convince them that they don’t need Christ?
The Lasting Prize
Colton White
June 19th, 2022
Philippians 3:12-16
What is the ultimate goal in life? All of us live are lives heading towards a destination — a goal. And, if we are all headed towards a goal, what do we want that goal to be? Paul tells us that are only goal should be that of Jesus Christ and his calling.
Lasting Citizenship
Colton White
June 26th, 2022
Philippians 3:17-4:1
We see three distinct themes in this text — (1) discipleship, (2), the path of the unrighteous, and (3) citizenship. All of these things work together. As we move towards the goal of Christ we are to imitate those who are more mature in the faith, mindful of those around us who lead us astray, and with a mindset that we do not belong to this world. We belong to another world altogether. We are sojourners in this place and true citizenship is with Christ.
Lasting Reconciliation With One Another
Colton White
July 3rd, 2022
Philippians 4:2-3
What do we do when we disagree with others in the church? How do we work through our differences with truth and grace? Here we see an example of two believers who disagree and are in need of reconciliation. We will look to the words of Jesus in Matthew 18 to help us understand how we are to have lasting reconciliation.
Lasting Peace
Tristan Krider
July 10th, 2022
Philippians 4:4-9
How do we have true peace in this world? Peace can seem like a metaphor rather than a possible reality. However, Paul tells us how we can actually have true peace. He tells us what to do with the anxieties that paralyze us. And he tells us how to do live a life that has sustained peace by disciplining our minds to focus on the things of Christ.
Lasting Contentment
Colton White
July 24th, 2022
Philippians 4:10-20
Do you know how to be content in the midst of any circumstance? There is a beautiful peace when you can have confidence in Christ in the worse moments of your life and the best moments of your life. That it doesn’t matter if you are brought “low” or “high, your mind is still set on Christ.