Do We Really Need to Study Theology?
Many people think theology is all about big books, big words, big brains, and big egos. Others believe that theology is about religious opinions and endless arguments that lead to division. And yet others think that only intellectual pastors, professors, or theologians need to study theology. All the while other people see theology as irrelevant for the Mission of the Church. Why are we wasting time pondering theological issues when people need to just hear the gospel, they might ask?
God’s Purpose for Theology
Theos is Greek for “God.” Ology is Greek for “study of.” Theology simply means Study of God. Theology exists because God was pleased to reveal Himself to us. And God revealed Himself to us so that we could be filled with joy in knowing Him. The better we know God, the more joy we experience in Him!
In John 17:3, Jesus reveals God’s purpose for us: And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. We exist to know God. Theology is about knowing God.
When our theology is Gospel-centered, God-focused, Jesus-exalting, and Spirit-led, our heart fills with joy, our mind fills with knowledge, our imagination fills with awe, our soul fills with worship. God’s Theology shapes our lives to reflect His glory.
Why do we have a Statement of Faith?
Renewal Church’s Statement of Faith is a summary of our non-negotiable, biblical, theological beliefs. These truths describe who we are, what we believe, why we believe it, and where we are headed as a church. These Core Truths summarize what we stand for as a church.
Our Statement of Faith express the faith that lives in our hearts. As the people of God, we have something to confess to the world. Our faith is not empty and meaningless! Our Statement of Faith shows that our faith has substance and is immensely meaningful to a world in need of Jesus. Our theology should result in missional living!
Join us on this journey through the Renewal Church Statement of Faith. These theological beliefs — rooted in God’s Word—serve as the foundation for this faith family. This is The Core.