The story of Jonah is the story of sin and grace. You see the same pattern in this book that is all throughout the Bible. Humanity will repeatedly run from God, but God will repeatedly pursue His people. It is a story of mercy, hope, salvation, and the continual battle with the flesh. It is also a story of the unfailing mission of God. God’s ultimate purpose is to make his name known among all nations, and God has chosen to us imperfect people to bring about that mission.
Our aim is to see how this story correlates with our lives as we aim to stop running from God, be washed by his grace, and join Him in His unfailing mission. While at the same time being watchful that our flesh wants to continually return to the sin that God has saved us from.
The Audacity to Run
Colton White
Sunday, August 7th, 2022
Jonah 1
We all run from God. There is something inside of each of us that makes us naturally gravitate towards sin. It’s the story of the Bible from page to page, but it’s only half the story. We may run from God, but He will always chase us. That is what we see in Jonah 1 — the man of God attempts to run from God, but God, in His grace will always pursue! However, sometimes His means of pursuit is not always easy. God will use many things in this life to get our attention. In this case, God uses a massive storm, and the storm will not cease until the man of God surrenders completely to God. It’s the same for us. The storm will rage until we fully surrender to the Lord of our souls.
Miraculous Grace
Colton White
Sunday, August 14th, 2022
Jonah 2
In chapter 2 we meet Jonah in the belly of a whale, and it’s in that place that He rediscovers the love of God. God saved Him from certain death, and as Jonah reflects on the moment God saved him, he worships. It’s complete and underserving grace. Jonah isn’t able to truly worship until he truly understood the implications of the grace of God, and it’s no different for us. We must fully understand the magnitude of the beauty of the grace of God before we can truly worship.
A God of Second Chances
Rich Diaz
Sunday, August 21st, 2022
Jonah 3
Jonah 3 starts off in the same way that Jonah chapter 1 did, the Word of the Lord comes to Jonah and calls him to go. That one verse teaches us something about our God. He is a God of second chances. It doesn’t matter what our past looks like, God loves to use broken people for His purposes and glory. God calls Jonah a second time and this time Jonah answers. And God uses Jonah to bring about the greatest missionary revival in the history of the world as the entire city of Nineveh repents of their sin and worships God!
The Repeated Struggle of the Flesh
Colton White
Sunday, August 28th, 2022
Jonah 4
In chapter 4 we see a terrifying truth — sometimes the sins of our past have a tendency to creep back up. Even after the amazing revival in chapter 3, we see the prophet struggling with the same sin that he had in the 1st chapter. However, despite his attempts to run, God is still pursuing him. What an encouraging truth for us to rest in, that no matter what the God of the universe will still pursue us, despite our sin.