Sermon Overview
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible’s message is first and foremost about the triune God. It’s centered on His name and glory and how He has graciously chosen to share Himself with us—despite being perfectly complete and satisfied in Himself—which results in the praise of His glorious grace and our eternal good. The Bible is a big book that consists of many topics and diverse literature and spans centuries. The Bible is written by multiple authors and addresses various subjects, but it is one grand story about God Himself. We will look at His grand story in its four parts: creation, fall, redemption, and renewal.
Colton White
Sunday, March 19th, 2023
In Genesis 1–2, we see God’s creation of all things, including us as His creatures and image-bearers. Despite the creation account being just two chapters, it sets the stage for the rest of the story and gives us the theological foundation of our faith.
Kyle Smith
Sunday, March 26th, 2023
In Genesis 3, we see everything move from perfect to broken—from shalom to rebellion. When Adam and Eve ate from the tree in the garden, all of God’s perfect creation was distorted, and the stain of sin that began then still rules our world today.
In order to understand the redemption that is coming, we must first understand the depth of sin, the judgment of God, and our inability to make everything right on our own.
Colton White
Sunday, April 2nd, 2023
Much of the Bible points to one simple truth: God is coming for us. He is coming to redeem all that has been broken, and He has one providential plan that cannot fail. His aim was to bring His glory forth through all the world, and in His love, He came to die on a cross for sins.
Colton White
Sunday, April 9th, 2023
At the end of the story, there is a great promise of the great renewal of all things. We have been united with Christ in His death and resurrection, and today we are born again into a living hope. The hope that we live in today is a shadow of what is coming—that at the end of all things, God will bring His final renewal to His creation.